Breakfast bingo The Oasis and Vonderlieth Living Center
will sponsor breakfast bingo on Thursday. Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
and breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. Reservations needed.
Free blood pressure checking
The Oasis Senior Center offers free blood pressure checking every
Friday from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Red Hat group
The Oasis Belles will meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday. After the meeting,
lunch is available for purchase. Please call 732-6132 for a
reservation. The deadline is Monday.
Tuesday's lunch
The 11:30 a.m. lunch for Nov. 4 features meatloaf, potatoes,
salad, bread and butter, and dessert for $3.75; or, if you stay to
play cards, the cost is $3.25. The deadline for reservations is 1
p.m. Monday.
Card winners
The winners for weekday pinochle were Helen Cart and Eleanor
Barton. The weekend winners were Larry Van Bibber and Jean Cypher.
The five-in-one winner was Ella Graney. Congratulations.
[Text from Oasis news release] |