The Logan County Health Department has been renamed the Logan County
Department of Public Health.Jan Gleason of the Jobs Training Partnership
advised the board that, due to significant reductions in their
budget, the five-county surrounding area is being consolidated.
Although Lincoln's office will be downsized, Gleason advised the
board that the amount of funding for Logan County will remain the
same under this consolidation. She also advised that JTP will be
moving to a smaller facility in town within a short period of time.
A motion was made and approved to include $150,000 of future wind
farm construction permits in the county's general fund.

A motion to reduce budgets in health, bridge and highway
department funds as well as senior services such as senior
transportation was not passed. The amount of savings with the motion
was estimated at $14,400 total. Board members Gloria Luster and Pat
O'Neill believed that further cuts to human services were not where
the board should be looking to balance the county budget. O'Neill
went on to say that he believes the board needs to find solutions
for revenue problems in some other way than continuous cuts to
county departments.
The board also approved a 3 percent increase in salary to all
nonunion, full-time county employees.
A motion was made and carried to place the proposed 2009 county
budget on public display, with the budget vote planned for next
month's meeting.