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Letters of Support

Lincoln Daily News welcomes letters of appreciation, information and opinion on matters pertaining to the community. 
Controversial issues:
As a community we need to be able to talk openly about matters that affect the quality of our lives. The most effective and least offensive manner to get your point across is to stick to the issue and refrain from commenting on another person's opinion. Letters that deviate from focusing on the issue may be rejected or edited and marked as such.

Support for Snyder

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To the editor:

I am greatly encouraged to see that Keith Snyder is running for mayor. He not only has the professional credentials and experience to bring to the table, but has remarkable personal integrity. He shows a deep interest and regard for his hometown and the welfare of this community. In the days and weeks to come I encourage everyone to get to know Keith. Ask questions. You will be pleased with the answers you receive.

Julie King

[Posted September 27, 2008]

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