4-H, Junior and Open Swine

![click on photos below to enlarge]


Pictures by Nila Smith


Young 4-Hers work to line up their gilts for the judge…


...but most of the time herding pigs is about like herding cats. The very intelligent animals have minds of their own and are not easily guided.


4-Hers learn to be assertive, but not abusive. A tap on the rear and a gentle push gets the pig to move along.

As two Yorkshires walk side by side, their trainers keep them together for judging.


A blue-ribbon Berkshire gilt is guided out of the arena by her trainer.


How many young women do you know who would spend their 18th birthday showing a 4-H hog?




Another young man heads out of the arena with his plaque in hand.


For Ellen Olson, it seems to be a very good day as she turns 18 and collects almost that many awards for her prize-winning gilt!


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