Open Sheep Show

![click on photos below to enlarge]

The Open Sheep Show is open to the public for participation, and each year brings in participants from all across the state. Those who show in the open division spend a great deal of time traveling from one county fair to the next, competing to be the best of the best.

Pictures by Nila Smith


The first step of judging is to line everyone up and take a look from the rear forward.


Sheep have two trainers, one to hold the head and a second to assure that leg placement is correct.


The judge then looks across the back of each animal, checking length, width and straightness of the back.

The animal is then paraded around the ring so that the judge can check the profile.


A second turn for another profile.



The judge has a helper, as this little tot expresses his opinion on the group in front of them.



Here's a tip for trainers: Take a rest whenever and wherever you can...


...but always be ready to jump up and show!


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