Despite a formal memo between the offices designed to put them on equal footing, the new drug office still retains nearly all the power over regulatory decisions, according to the GAO report to be released Wednesday.
In its response to the report, the FDA said major decisions about drug safety are delegated to the new drugs division because that is "where staff with the broadest expertise and experience" on product safety issues reside.
The FDA said it intends to give the surveillance office more responsibilities, but only after its nearly 200 employees gain the experience and resources needed to take on those tasks. The Office of New Drugs has more than 900 employees.
According to the GAO, the number of surveillance staffers would have to double in coming years to accommodate the additional work being assigned to the unit.
FDA officials on Tuesday declined to comment beyond the agency's response included in the report.
Congressional investigators did note that the FDA is making progress on other safety initiatives, including:
Revamping the computer system used to track and sort reports of drug side effects.
Gathering more reports about possible drug safety issues from federal agencies and private medical systems.
Developing a system to resolve drug safety disagreements between staffers.
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