The Oasis,
Logan County's senior citizen center, 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is
open weekdays, except holidays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center
also is open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic
Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan
County senior citizens, regardless of membership. Friends of The
Oasis members receive a bimonthly newsletter by mail and reduced
rates for classes and trips. For more information, call 732-6132 or
the week of Jan. 29-Feb. 3
Send a link to a friend
28, 2009]
Free tax assistance program The Oasis is offering FREE tax
assistance during the 2009 filing season. The senior center will
offer electronic filing, which improves accuracy and ensures each
return is accepted by the IRS in a timely manner. Tax volunteers at
the senior center are trained in the TaxWise software but are not
trained tax professionals. The guidelines prohibit the center from
completing tax forms that involve the sale of property, business
earnings, depreciation, stock sales, farm income, and other income
or deductions that are not typical in nature; please seek the
assistance of a tax professional. Services at the senior center will
be available Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Please
call 732-6132 for an appointment.
The Oasis Belles
The Oasis Red Hat group, the Oasis Belles, will meet on Tuesday,
Feb. 3, beginning at 11 a.m. After the meeting, lunch will be
available for $3.25. Please call for a lunch reservation. The
deadline is noon Monday.
Tuesday's lunch
The 11:30 a.m. lunch for Feb. 3 features ham salad sandwich,
tomato soup, crackers, chips and dessert. The cost is $3.75, or if
you stay to play cards, $3.25. The reservation deadline is Monday
Free hearing tests
Hearing screenings will be available Wednesday, Feb. 4, 10
a.m.-11:30 a.m. Joyce Dearth, B.C.H.I.S., provides the service from
the Hearing Aid Center. Service is by appointment only. Please call
the senior center at 732-6132.
[to top of second

Gettysburg trip
The Oasis is planning an educational and fun trip to Gettysburg,
Pa. The trip is currently being planned for the week of June 22-26.
People interested in the trip can attend an informational meeting at
the senior center on Feb. 4, beginning at 5 p.m.
Card winners
Larry Van Bibber won weekday pinochle. He and Marjorie Reiners
were weekend winners. Congratulations.
[Text from Oasis news release]
