YMCA notes
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11, 2009]
Field Trip Blast -- Another YMCA field
trip is fast approaching! A YMCA staff member will take the children
to a water park for a day of fun in the sun! Please bring a sack
lunch, sunblock, water bottle and proper attire for the trip and the
return. This program is for second- to fifth-graders and runs from
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drop-off and pickup are at the YMCA Activity
Center on Wyatt Avenue. Hurry and sign up NOW, as there is space for
only 13 children per trip. Here is the list of dates still
available: July 21; Aug. 4, 11.
For information on
Lincoln Area YMCA programs and events, visit the downtown office, 604 Broadway St.,
Suite 1; call 735-3915; or visit
www.lincolnymca.org. The YMCA Activity Center is at the
former Odd Fellows gymnasium on Wyatt Avenue. |