"The purpose of the program is to help community-based development
organizations as well as economically challenged communities attract
and retain investments in rural communities," Callahan said.
"Grantees often provide activities such as entrepreneurship training
and leadership development to help business and community leaders
expand their local economies and create jobs."Eligible applicants
are public or private nonprofit organizations, including faith-based
and community organizations, which have been legally organized for
at least three years and have experience working with local
nonprofit organizations and low-income communities. Recipients match
the grant dollar for dollar, thus doubling the impact on the
communities. For-profit organizations are not eligible.
Illinois applications must be received no later than 4 p.m. on
Sept. 24 in the Rural Development State Office, 2118 West Park
Court, Suite A, Champaign, IL 61821. More information is available
http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-15128.htm or by calling
Karen Lee at 217-403-6213 or TDD 217-403-6240.
USDA Rural Development provides financing and technical
assistance to foster growth in homeownership, business development,
and essential community and technology infrastructure. More
information is available at
www.rurdev.usda.gov/il. USDA is an equal opportunity provider,
employer and lender.
[Text from file received from
USDA Rural Development in
Illinois] |