Feeling Hopeless?  Tired of allowing the pain of the past to ruin the present?  Don't know what to do or how you are going to make it?  Have the feeling of "life will never be good again."  Just need a 2nd Chance, fresh start or new beginning??  HOPE '09 is just what you need!!




HOPE ‘09

Hosted by Open Arms Christian Fellowship

311 Broadway Lincoln, IL.

Friday – Saturday August 14-15, 2009


Hope Beyond Crisis & the Present Economy.  The present and future has never been so uncertain in our lifetime.  As a result of loss of jobs; loss of investments; loss of plans, hopes and dreams - many are distraught.  More and more t he point of ending their life and the lives of their loved ones.   Come and learn how to survive & even thrive in these difficult days.  

Hope Beyond Sexual Abuse (in the Church) by someone trusted -- Larry Crawford found out in Junior High that his mom had lied to him all his life concerning his biological father.  Shattered he turned to his youth pastors for help.. When he did he was sexually molested.  This led to years of the enemy trying to destroy him and the call.  Many have gone through similar situations.  God desires to minister His healing to you.  Come experience true healing from the past and begin to experience God's best for you!!!  

Hope Beyond Raising Kids (Parenting)  --  Jill Savage is the founder and President of Hearts at Home.  She has authored several books including:  Real Mom...Real Jesus; Got Teens, etc. She ministers hope to the family throughout the United States and the world.  One of the most difficult, yet most critical professions in the world  is raising kids in today's society.  Come and receive hope and instruction on parenting in these difficult times. 

Hope Beyond Ourselves  --  Mark Savage is the founding Pastor of of Crosswinds Community Church in Bloomington, IL.  Mark is radically authentic and has ministered hope to many who were of edge of hopelessness.  He believes that God has called everyone to be INCREDIBLE and desires to help rescue those who are considering giving up...empowering them to their full potential in Jesus!

Hope Beyond Loss  --  Have you lost someone close to you?  Come and hear how to overcome the loss of a loved one.  Hear how to cope &how to gain victory over depression/complete hopelessness. 

Nathan Holt went through a broken home as his mom and dad were divorced when he was in third grade.  He was fourteen years old when his dad was killed in an automobile accident.  He experienced separation from his brother when his brother was sent away to boot camp.  Come hear how God restored their relationship to Him.  

Hope Beyond Alcohol & Drug Abuse  --  Michael Langley  lost finances/job & almost lost his lovely wife and beautiful children as a result of his addiction to drugs.  An addiction to Meth, alcohol, speed, pott, acid, mushrooms, cocaine or whatever he could find.  This went from 1983 (when he was 14 years old) until 1999.  His first attempt at sobriety was Feb. 1997.  He finally came to a point of complete desperation and cried out to God...willing to do whatever it would take!!!

Tommy & Diane Williams from Atlanta, Georgia will be with us ministering through praise & worship.  They have a heart for people and the tremendous ability to relate to all ages...empowering people to their full potential in life!


If you need childcare, please indicate on the registration form.  Please list the names & ages.


The Conference will take place at Open Arms Christian Fellowship (the Old Gossett's cleaners) located at 311 Broadway Street in Lincoln. 

Opening Session Friday Night @ 7:00PM

These are the most difficult  times most of us alive have ever experienced.  People are losing their jobs, homes, retirement resulting in the loss of all hope!  Almost every day we hear or read about tragedy in the news such as:  a man killing his family & himself because he has lost all hope; children being murdered by their parents; children killing parents; and the stories go on and on.  It is during this time more than ever we need HOPE!  You might feel like your life is  failure or that life will never be good again.  Come experience HOPE AGAIN!  You will not want to miss this opening session as we learn of HOPE Beyond CRISIS!


 8:30   -- Continental Breakfast Served

 8:55   -- Opening Praise and Worship

 9:15  -- Session #1  Hope Beyond Ourselves!

 10:15  -- Ministry and Prayer Time  

 10:30  -- Break

 10:45  -- Session #2  Hope Beyond Loss!  

 11:45  -- Ministry & Prayer Time

 11:55  -- Catered Lunch

 12:30   --  Session #3  Hope Beyond Sexual Abuse by Someone Trusted (In Church)

 1:30    -- Ministry & Prayer Time

 1:45   -- Session #4 Hope Beyond Raising Kids (Parenting)!

 2:45   -- Ministry & Prayer Time

 3:00   -- Break

 3:15   -- Session #5  Hope Beyond Drugs & Alcohol (followed by Ministry time - 4:15)

 4:30  -- Celebration and Commissioning Service

Please cut below and send this registration along with $15.00 per individual/ $25.00 per couple.  Please make your check payable to Comeback Ministries International and mail it to Comeback Ministries International P.O. Box 306 Atlanta, IL. 61723.  Space is limited. Registration fee includes continental breakfast & a lunch. If you unable to pay the registration fee, please contact us for available scholarships.  For more information or to sign up by phone call Larry @ 309-830-0461 or Wendy @ 309-830-0573. 


 Name: _________________________________________________________Number Attending:______

 Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________State:________________Zip:____________________ Phone Number:_________________________Email: ________________________________________

