Saturday, July 25, 2009
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Comptroller Hynes to run for Illinois governor

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[July 25, 2009]  CHICAGO (AP) -- Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes plans to run for governor.

That's according to a person close to Hynes' campaign who has knowledge of the Democrat's plans but spoke on the condition of anonymity because an official announcement isn't expected until the coming weeks.

Hynes' entry into the race is expected to set up a February primary fight with Gov. Pat Quinn.

Quinn inherited the job in January when disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich was removed from office after being arrested on federal corruption charges.

Hynes has criticized Quinn's handling of Illinois' budget crisis. He accused Quinn of being inconsistent in his demand for a large tax increase, and he questioned whether Quinn had looked closely enough at state spending to see where more cuts could be made.

Quinn hasn't officially announced his re-election plans, but he has been raising money.

[Associated Press; DEANNA BELLANDI]

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