Activities at The Mill's 80th birthday
[click on photos below to enlarge]

Pictures by Nila Smith


On the back lawn at The Mill, the Railsplitter Antique Auto Club pulled in and set up so that visitors could enjoy many of the cars that were popular when The Mill was in its heyday.


Saturday afternoon the doors were wide open for spectators to walk through the interior of The Mill. In the large back room is the bar, and leaning against it is a supply of windows that will soon be installed.


The front part of the building is the original Dutch windmill-shaped portion of The Mill. Throughout the building, ceilings have been removed, floors are being worked on, and the future of this Route 66 icon looks to be bright.

Outside, visitors register for door prizes and enter the 50-50 drawing.


Around 8 Saturday night, a group of about 25 gathered on the back lawn to participate in a paranormal investigation inside The Mill.



Paranormal investigators armed with flashlights, cameras and notepads were allowed to explore the upstairs of the building, but there are no ghosts in the attic, as there is really no attic right now.




Are they dust flecks reflecting the flash of the camera, or are they spirits in the form of orbs? Regardless of what is believed, the camera caught several of the dots that look like water spots. Two are prominent, one above and one below the participant's outstretched arm.

A participant in the nighttime event examines a portion of the north upstairs wall. As she stands there, she senses something and says that the area is very cold.







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