Region: Southeastern Missouri Geographic coordinates:
36.559N, 90.535W
Magnitude: 2.5 Mcd
Depth: 16 km
Universal Time (UTC): July 31, 10:13:14
Time near the epicenter: July 31, 05:13:14
Local standard time in your area: July 31, 04:13:14
Location with respect to nearby
2 km (1 mile) west
(274 degrees) of Neelyville, Mo.
6 km (4 miles)
east-southeast (105 degrees) of Naylor, Mo.
17 km (11 miles)
north-northeast (16 degrees) of Corning, Ark.
168 km (104 miles)
north-northwest (343 degrees) of Memphis, Tenn.
231 km (144 miles) south (186 degrees)
of St. Louis, Mo.
[to top of second


Preliminary report on 2.2 Mcd quake: Region: Southeastern Missouri
Geographic coordinates: 37.384N, 90.063W
Magnitude: 2.2 Mcd
Depth: 16 km
Universal Time (UTC): July 31, 14:33:20
Time near the epicenter: July 31, 09:33:20
Local standard time in your area: July 31, 08:33:20
Location with respect to nearby
8 km (5 miles)
north-northwest (338 degrees) of Glen Allen, Mo.
10 km (6 miles)
east-southeast (118 degrees) of Marquand, Mo.
12 km (7 miles)
northwest (319 degrees) of Marble Hill, Mo.
139 km (86 miles) south (173 degrees)
of St. Louis, Mo.
[Text from files received from Terry Storer, Logan County Emergency Management Agency] |