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Malaysia to blow the whistle on litterbugs

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[June 05, 2009]  KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -- After flyers failed to stop litterbugs, the frustrated mayor of a Malaysian town told his officials to blow the whistle on offenders -- literally.

Khazali Din, mayor of the northern Alor Star city, said Thursday that those who throw garbage on the streets will be greeted with a sharp whistle blown by patrolling city officials, and a fine of up to 300 ringgit ($85).

"I've been trying so many methods, but they failed. I think this is the best way because people will feel shy or embarrassed when they are caught red-handed," he said.

The whistle offensive started Monday, but Khazali said his officers are not yet adept at pouncing on offenders, so no one has been caught yet.

The litter monitors must learn to act "on the spot, on the dot," he said, adding that the city will give the whistle campaign until at least the end of the year to show results.

Some offenders may be let off with a warning, without having to face the full music, he said.

[Associated Press]

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