LCGHS cemetery walk Saturday
[click on photos below to enlarge]

"Reflections of Time Past" Old Union Cemetery Walk
Friday evening as dusk neared, the spirits of Lincoln and Logan County history gathered together to rehearse for their presentation on Saturday. Here is their circa 1875 photo album.

Sponsored by the Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society, the walks will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The spirits will take a break for lunch at noon and be back in position for more presentations at 1 p.m. Admission is only $5.

Pictures by Nila Smith


Silas Beason is portrayed by Brandon Davis.


Jeff Kindred as Colby Knapp



Bill Donath as John Boy


Frank Frorer by Mike Fak


Alexis Asher as Violet Scully


Margaret Dunlop is portrayed by Julie King



Judge Foley's wife by Jean Gossett

Robert Latham by Bob McCuee



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