Tuesday, June 16, 2009
sponsored by Graue Inc.

City: 5 new or promoted firefighters take oaths; treasurer's report; and other business

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[June 16, 2009] 

Firefighters sworn in

Five city of Lincoln firefighters were officially sworn into duty by city attorney Bill Bates. Three of the oaths were the result of promotions and two were new hires.

Capt. Rick O'Hara was promoted to the rank of assistant chief. O'Hara has been with the city fire department for 20 years.

Lt. Ken Ebelherr, who has served for a total of 29 years with the city, was promoted to the rank of captain.


Firefighter Aaron Johnson has been promoted to lieutenant after nine years of service.

Chief Kent Hulett explained that all these promotions were the result of Assistant Chief Tom Martin's retirement.

Also sworn in were two new firefighters, who officially began their career with the city on May 26.

Andy Dexter comes to the city from the Lincoln Rural Fire Department, and Beau Friday is coming to Lincoln from the Chatham Fire Department.

City treasurer's report for May

Les Plotner, city treasurer, told the council that the city is now implementing some new accounting software, and thus far, he hasn't been able to produce the style of report he would like.

He had given the council copies of the new reports and told them that all the information was there but in a different format. He asked the council to bear with him, assuring them that he'd get it all figured out soon.

In the meantime, he reported on the current bank balances, the invested funds in the police and fire retirement accounts, and said that the bar graphs indicated that 0.83 percent of the annual budget has been expended.

He also reported that the general obligation bond has a balance of $355.79. A new bond will commence in October.

Approved petition will be resubmitted

At the June 9 committee-of-the-whole meeting, Patrick Gettleman of 1807 N. Kankakee addressed the council regarding a written petition he was submitting for their consideration.

Gettleman explained that there is a culvert running the depth of his property, from Kankakee Street, across his lawn, under a garage and toward an undeveloped alley behind his home.

The culvert is necessary for water draining from Kankakee to Brainard's Branch.

The problem is that the culvert ends in Gettleman's lawn, and during heavy rains his property is flooded until the water gets deep enough to cross the alleyway and travel to the branch.

Gettleman asked that the city extend the culvert to the alleyway.

Mark Mathon, city engineer, said that the way the land rolls in that area, Gettleman's property is a low spot, and the water does lie without much movement. Extending the culvert approximately 20 feet would help resolve the flooding.

At the voting meeting, Alderman Buzz Busby moved to approve the petition, stipulating that the city would do the work but that the property owner would purchase the culvert extension.

Gettleman was present for the decision, and after the council adjourned he spoke with Mathon, saying he had not expected that he would be financially responsible for the culvert.

Mathon, Gettleman and Bates conferred, and afterward, Mathon said that Gettleman's original petition had not requested that the project be at the city's expense. He has been advised to resubmit the petition, asking the city to foot the entire bill.

[to top of second column]

Auto Sales

Mayoral appointment

Mayor Keith Snyder told the council that Jane Ryan has resigned from the Civil Service Commission, and he would like to appoint Sarah Aughenbaugh of 44 Illini Drive as her replacement. He indicated that the appointment would be for a term to end May 1, 2012.

Mayor makes change to sanitation committee

New Alderman David Wilmert serves as chairman of the sanitation committee. He has also begun researching technological advances for the city.  


The mayor has amended the sanitation committee to become the sanitation and technology committee. Wilmert said that he would call a meeting of the committee in the near future.

Please sign your letters

Wilmert said that he wanted to state publicly that he has received letters and other communications from his constituents, and as he had promised to maintain an open dialogue with anyone approaching him, he would like to respond to some of the voters' concerns but can't because letters are being sent anonymously.

Wilmert said that if constituents don't want their name mentioned publicly, they can say so in their correspondence, but if they don't give their name and contact information, there is no way for him to get ahold of them for follow-up conversations.

Petition tabled

A petition by Donald Kurtz asking that the city vacate a right of way behind his property was tabled for the evening, as the city attorney explained to the council that the procedure for doing such a vacate would have to include a city ordinance and a public hearing.

The undeveloped city property located behind 704 and 721 21st Street has been boxed in since the development of the Brainard Landing apartment complex, and Kurtz has been doing the mowing of the property for years.

Proclamation of Scout Sweep Day June 20

Members of Scout Troops 105 and 111 were present to receive a copy of a resolution proclaiming June 20 as Scout Sweep Day in Lincoln.

Scout Troop 105 is hosting the day, which will involve cleaning up the streets between Washington-Monroe School and the downtown area. The boys will be collecting garbage along the curbs and sidewalks. Troop 111 and others will be joining Troop 105 in their efforts.


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