"To be direct and
honest: our state is facing its greatest crisis of modern times,"
Quinn told lawmakers in formally presenting his budget Wednesday.
Quinn called for raising the income tax to 4.5 percent, up from 3
percent. He proposed softening the blow by expanding a tax break
that mostly benefits the poor and middle class, arguing millions of
families would end up paying less under his proposal.
He also wants a sales tax "holiday" to help parents pay for
back-to-school supplies.
Quinn asked lawmakers to support a $26 billion construction program
that would build new roads, bridges and schools around the state,
supporting some 340,000 jobs. Paying for the massive initiative
would mean raising fees for driver's licenses, license plates and
title transfers.

Quinn also wants smokers to pay more. He proposed increasing the tax
on cigarettes, now 98 cents a pack, by an additional $1 over two
The governor knew he was asking a lot of lawmakers heading into an
election year, telling those who offered a warm welcome as he took
the podium: "I hope you're applauding at the end of this speech."
Quinn also clearly hoped to remind lawmakers -- and voters -- of the
good will he has built up before and since his predecessor, Gov. Rod
Blagojevich, was kicked out of office over corruption allegations.
"As we prepare for a better future, we must also make tough choices
about cleaning up government right now," Quinn said during the
41-minute address. "Ethics reform is of paramount importance to me
and the people of Illinois."
He called for giving Illinois voters the power to recall corrupt
Silence greets tax-hike plan
Lawmakers interrupted him with applause at least 25 times, usually
when he pledged to maintain spending for some project or proposed to
create jobs. They were mostly silent when Quinn laid out his plan to
raise taxes.
Quinn insisted he wants to trim government spending along with
raising taxes. His budget plan includes about $1.3 billion in cuts,
and he said a new "Tax Accountability Board" would scour the budget
for other places to trim.
"I pledge this is only the beginning of the belt-tightening," Quinn
Quinn's budget plan is bound to trigger a battle with AFSCME, the
influential union that represents state employees. He wants state
employees to pay more for health care, take four unpaid furlough
days and accept reduced retirement benefits in the future.
With an $11.5 billion deficit to erase, Quinn's budget contains few
bright spots.

There's no money to reopen historic sites closed by his predecessor.
Mental health grants would drop by $12 million. Spending on senior
citizens and disabled people will be held flat.
Quinn inherited the budget mess following Blagojevich's ouster in
January. He was suddenly scrambling to respond to a budget deficit
that, driven by plunging tax revenues and increasing demand for
services, grew from an estimated $7 billion to $9 billion to $11.5
The budget proposal depends on cutting some corners.
It would lower this year's contributions to pension systems by
nearly $2.9 billion on the assumption that Illinois will save
billions of dollars in coming decades by cutting retirement benefits
for new state employees.
He also calls for dipping into special-purpose funds to pay for
general expenses, keeping tax money that would otherwise go to local
government and diverting state road fund money to help support the
construction program.