The chief says that he has two candidates, both experienced firemen
currently working at other locations, who are anxious to work for
the city of Lincoln.He was instructed to go ahead and initiate
the hiring process for his candidates, with the intent of having
them both on the payroll effective May 19.
Jim Kirk to resign from street department
The city clerk, Denise Martinek, read a letter from James H.
Kirk, advising the council that he will be resigning from his
position with the city street department effective Dec. 31.
Kirk is a long-standing employee of the city, with 44-plus years
of service.
In his letter he stated that he had very much enjoyed his time
with the city street department but felt that at his age it was time
move on.

Lincoln Bicycle Advisory Committee plans Family Bicycle Ride for
May 17
On May 17, the Lincoln Bicycle Advisory Committee will sponsor a
Family Bike Ride, beginning at the YMCA and ending at Kickapoo Creek
The bicyclists will have a designated route, marked by arrows
painted on the city streets.
Poppy Day, May 23
The American Legion Auxiliary will conduct its annual Poppy Day
on May 23.
Between 8 a.m. and noon, the intersection at McLean and Broadway
will become a four-way stop so that volunteers can sell poppies to
The city will cover the street lights at that intersection and
set up temporary stop signs for the event.

Approval of 2nd annual Scout Sweep June 20
Cub Scout Pack 105, led by Chad Bennett, will have its second
annual Scout Sweep day on June 20. The Cub Scouts will pick up trash
along the streets and sidewalks, beginning at Washington-Monroe
School and working toward the downtown area, then back to the
Downtown streets closed for Heritage Days
This year's Heritage Days celebration will be July 3 and 4.
The council has approved street closures in the downtown area on
those two days; plus, Saturday morning from 8 to 11 a.m., the
streets of McLean, Decatur and South Kickapoo around Scully Park
will be closed for the Fourth of July Children's Parade.
Events this year will include live bands on the square Friday
night, the Railsplitter Auto Club car show Saturday on the square
and fireworks Saturday night at the park district grounds.
[to top of second column]
 Comcast Cares Day
In honor of the 20-plus local volunteers who serve the community
as part of the annual Comcast Cares, April 25 was proclaimed as the
official Comcast Cares Day in Lincoln.
Oasis proclamation
The Oasis senior citizen center is celebrating its 25th year of
service to area senior citizens. Established on May 4, 1984, the
center's mission has been to provide a place for senior citizens to
come together for service and activities that support their
In honor of the center's 25 years of service to the community, a
mayoral proclamation was read designating May 4 as The Oasis' 25th
Anniversary Celebration day.
Municipal Clerks Week
The week of May 3 is officially designated as Municipal Clerk
Snyder read a proclamation acknowledging the city clerk and staff
for "the vital services they perform and exemplary dedication to the
community they serve." Recognized were Denise Martinek, city clerk;
Susan Gehlbach, deputy clerk; and their office staff, Brenda McCabe
and Doris Anderson.

The mayor drew a chuckle from the council when he said to
Martinek, "Your first day on the job, and you get your own week!"
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month
At the request of ABATE of Illinois Inc., the month of May has
been officially designated as Motorcycle Awareness Month in the city
of Lincoln.
After the proclamation was read, Alderman David Armbrust spoke
up, saying that he appreciated the proclamation and that while he is
not a member of ABATE, he has been a cyclist for 52 years and knows
that motorists do not pay attention to cyclists as they should.
Sidewalk petitions approved
Petitions by Norman Newhouse for sidewalk work to be done at 125
Park Place and by Diane Osborne for work to be done at 411 College
Ave. were both approved by the council.