Nile virus and things to do
By John
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[May 26, 2009]
West Nile virus has, unfortunately, become a
household phrase. The virus was first isolated in Uganda, Africa. It
can harm humans, birds and other animals. It is transmitted by
infected mosquitoes, primarily the northern house mosquito. The
mosquito becomes infected after biting wild birds that are the
primary host of the virus. Ten to 14 days after biting an infected
bird, the mosquito is able to transmit the virus.
The mosquito life cycle has four life stages: egg, larvae, pupa
and adult. The female mosquito lays eggs on water or moist soil.
Most of the larvae hatch after 48 hours, and the larvae and
pupae live in the water. The females need a blood meal before
they can lay eggs, so only the females bite. They bite every few
days during their adult lives, which may last several weeks.
Preventing mosquitoes is a first step. Homeowners can best
accomplish this by eliminating standing water. Tires and old
containers are obvious places to start; drill holes in the
bottom of recycling containers; clean clogged gutters; don't
allow stagnant water in anything such as birdbaths; change
landscape slopes to eliminate standing water; and use larvacides
in standing water that can't be eliminated. B.t. Israeli is the
strain that is effective against mosquito larvae -- not the
variety commonly used on trees and gardens! The mosquitoes have
already begun hatching, so treatment time is at hand.
Also protect yourself from bites. Mosquitoes can travel up to
three miles from their breeding sites! Make sure that screens
and doors are tight; use proper outside lighting such as
fluorescent lights; stay indoors at dawn and dusk when
mosquitoes are most active; wear long-sleeved shirt and long
pants when you must go outside; and use insect repellents
properly applied. Exposed skin should be sparingly treated with
a repellent containing up to 30 percent DEET (up to 10 percent
for children), and make sure to treat thin clothing as well
(since mosquitoes can bite through the thin clothing).
[to top of second column] |
To do and not to do
We are now in the middle of the correct planting time for the
warm-loving vegetables for our gardens. This would include lima
beans, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, peppers, summer squash, winter
squash and pumpkins. Pumpkins for use as fall ornamentals should be
planted around Father's Day so they have less chance of rotting
before fall display. Believe it or not, we're also at the proper
timing for fall garden plantings as of this coming weekend. That
means potatoes, kale and some others. Some of the planting dates
overlap this time of year. That basically means plant it, but you
can expect harvest to be closer to fall.
Keep pruning flowering shrubs after they complete bloom. That
will allow for more flower buds for next year. The pruning time for
evergreens will come at the end of June.
Bagworm spray time will be coming up mid-June. We'll try to
fine-tune the date as we get closer. The cool spring has delayed
things to this point, but warm weather could catch us back up to the
book timing of June 15.
Last chance for the pour-on treatments for Japanese beetles on
ornamentals using imidacloprid. Earlier application would have
allowed for more translocation. These treatments do allow some
damage to occur before a lethal dose is consumed.
University of Illinois Extension, Logan County] |