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Rare, heavy rains soak pilgrims in Islam's hajj

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[November 25, 2009]  JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- Rare rainstorms are soaking pilgrims as millions of Muslims from around the world gather for Islam's annual hajj pilgrimage.

Saudi authorities are warning pilgrims to move carefully amid Wednesday's storms, the first in years to occur during the hajj. The rains add an extra hazard to the pilgrimage, which has been plagued in the past by deadly stampedes, caused by congestion as up to 3 million people perform the rites in the holy city of Mecca and at sacred sites in the nearby deserts.

Streets are flooded in this coastal city, the entry port for many pilgrims. Amid the downpour, pilgrims circled the sacred Kaaba shrine in Mecca. Water seeped into tents in the sprawling tent city where crowds of pilgrims are staying in nearby Mina.

[Associated Press; By HADEEL AL-SHALCHI]

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