"I am pleased to announce tonight that an
arrest has been made in the case involving the murder of the five
members of the Raymond Gee family on September 21, 2009. Today
Christopher Harris was arrested at the Safety Complex and is
currently in the Logan County jail.
"Christopher J. Harris McLean County Il
Age 30
"Harris is being charged with murder. The exact
charges will be determined by the Logan County State's Attorney’s
office with the assistance of the Illinois Attorney General's office.

"This arrest is based on the tireless efforts of
the investigators and the Illinois State Police Crime Lab forensic
analysis of evidence removed from the crime scene. I will not
discuss the specifics of the evidence at this time. Additionally, a
grey primer colored 1989 Ford Ranger pickup truck under the control
of Christopher Harris has been seized.
"This arrest is the culmination of this
investigation. There are more investigative leads to be followed. We
have not determined, at this time, if more arrests will come. We are
confident in the forensic evidence analyzed thus far. The Illinois
State Police Crime Lab will continue their examination of numerous
exhibits submitted in this case.
"I want to thank all members of the Gee Homicide
Task Force for their diligence in the investigation of this case. I
will keep the press informed of further developments.
"As you can see (noting all the agencies at the
conference) this is not a stand-alone investigation. This is the
culmination of several agencies coming together as one and doing
their job."
After the statement the sheriff briefly fielded questions but would
not answer any that he felt were pertinent to the evidence in the
He did answer that Harris was "familiar" with
the family but would not go into further details. He said the time
of the arrest was today, Thursday at 4:08 p.m.
While the sheriff would not say what
relationship there was between the Gee family and Harris, a search
of LDN records brought up a license to wed in May 2003 between
Christopher J. Harris and Nicole R. Gee, both of Chestnut.
[LDN staff]