I appreciate you
all coming out again on a rainy day.
I really do not
have any new information to report.
I will tell you
that the Tip Line has generated over 250 calls. These leads are
primarily from central Illinois, but some come from all over the
country. We are diligently pursuing these tips. We encourage the
public to keep calling.
New information
regarding the pickup truck of interest:
Grey/Silver Primer
Possibly a Ford
Ranger or Chevrolet S-la
Vertical exhaust
pipes located rearward of the rear tires and between the tailgate

This new
information is very unusual to have the exhaust pipes that far back
in the bed. If you know anyone with such a vehicle, no matter what
make or model, please call 217-732-3000.
As I stated
yesterday, there is substantial crime scene evidence that is being
analyzed. This will take time. As we receive results from the Crime
Lab, new leads will be generated.