Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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ALMH to honor volunteers with memorial bricks in new hospital's garden

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[April 20, 2010]  Five volunteers were recognized for serving more than 5,000 hours of volunteer work at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. They were Shirley Dittus, Ruth Kapik, Sharon Rohlfs, Lucille Miller and Jane May. To honor the group, a large engraved brick with their names will be located in the garden at the new hospital.

Forty additional volunteers were honored for serving more than 1,000 volunteer hours and will also have a brick with their names included placed in the new hospital's garden. Those volunteers are Lorraine Bayer, Joan Behle, Margaret Bent, Jan Berger, Kathy Blaum, Ruth Bogart, Charlene Bowers, Peggy Boyd, Darlene Budd, Eddie Camp, Doris Carter, Bernie DePuy, Ruby Glickerman, Sally Hatcher, Ralph Helton, Shirley Helton, Sandy Hollenbeck, Joan Horrom, Maxine Hum, Jane Jacobs, Evelyn Jenkins, Jeanette Johnson, Mary Lou Klokkenga, Phyllis LaMothe, Betty Lohrenz, Joann McCullough, Donna Moore, Mary Rose Morehead, Pat Morrow, Mary Lou Meyers, Linda Myers, Rosemary Schacht, Elsie Schuttler, Sharon Shehorn, Jewel Strauss, Mary Ellen Thornton, Audra VanHoorn, Karen Walden, Phyllis Witherall and Betty York.

Thirteen volunteers have given 500 hours of volunteer service and will have a half brick in their honor. They are Pat Berger, Jackie Campbell, Emma Clayton, Carol Cooper, Loreen Durst, Sandy Johnson, Verna Lessen, Kathy Liesman, Lonita Mitchell, Deb Short, Helen and Bill Stephenson, and Roberta Tucey.

[List from Lynn Metz, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital]


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