During the process, auditors review the county's books and financial
statements from a couple of different perspectives, and then in the
final process go into offices and work with county officials and
many of the employees from every department in the county.Barrick
began by reporting that the combined general operating and liability
insurance fund had a deficit of $161,000, meaning that there was a
loss of that amount over the year.
"I honestly don't consider that to be too bad for this year," she
said. "It was the kind of year that every governmental entity I'm
dealing with faced some large challenges in revenue reduction."

She moved to the revenues portion of the report to explain.
Revenues were $5,531,000. In comparison, those revenues in the prior
year were $6,193,000.
Barrick explained that revenue reductions were seen across the
board in property, income, replacement and sales taxes. She referred
to these as "the economic taxes, because from an economic standpoint
you saw downturns in those."
"Every governmental entity was facing the same thing," she
Additionally, in revenues, there were losses from
state-supplemented positions that the state did not pay for,
particularly for the probation officers.
Turning to the expenses side, total expenditures were $5,896,000,
which was slightly more compared with the prior year's $5,765,000.
So there was a slight increase in expenditures, though it was only
2.5 percent overall and nothing individually, Barrick observed.
She complimented the board: "From an inflationary perspective and
in maintaining expenses in a budget, you did a very good job."

The ending fund balance was $999,000. She explained that this is
effectively your equity and represents how much you have on hand to
pay your expenditures. This figure is 17 percent of what was spent
during the year.
"That's not too bad, but you did run a little bit tight," she
The ending fund balance for the prior year, 2008, was 20 percent
of the year's expenditures.
She encouraged the board to get this figure a little bit higher,
"as you never know when economic circumstances can turn."
She added: "As they have this year. This year you almost need a
rainy day fund, so to speak, to carry you through."
She concluded that it was the revenue reductions that caused the
drop from 20 percent to 17 percent.
She then gave a brief overview of general accounts and individual
funds. The finance committee has been following her advice to
eliminate deficit fund balances. There were still a couple of funds
with deficit fund balances.
Barrick suggested paying more attention to the Illinois Municipal
Retirement Fund when budgeting for next year. That fund is better
than it was last year, she said. Some of this was accomplished by
the shift last year to have the highway and health departments pay
their own.
[to top of second column] |
Also, the Emergency Management Agency fund has been
running at a slight deficit that is slowly being reversed. The
liability insurance fund is getting a little low and may need more
allocation. The rest of the funds, including health and highway
departments, are all in adequate condition, in pretty good
condition, she said.
Finance chair Chuck Ruben once again thanked Barrick and Clifton
Gunderson for the wonderful job they do.
"It's nice to hear from the elected officials and the office
personnel in general that they are nice to work with and they enter
things quickly," Ruben said.

Barrick responded, "Everybody's wonderful to work with. It's our
pleasure to be here."
The board is opposing an attempt that is being made by the state
to reduce local revenues even more. With the audit revealing a
$662,000 drop in tax revenues, attributed to economic times, and
with the added burden of delayed state subsidies, the board
unanimously voted to join other counties opposing Gov. Quinn's March
10 proposal to change the 90/10 percent split of income tax between
the state and local government to 70/30 percent. The calculated
impact on Logan County would be a loss of another $346,500.
The county was facing a 36 percent increase from Blue Cross Blue
Shield for its health insurance renewal. Insurance chair Jan
Schumacher asked Nancy Schaub from Roger Garrett Insurance to look
for other options. The insurance committee and Schaub met with
county employees earlier this month to discuss the choices.
The county had Health Alliance before switching to Blue Cross
last year. Health Alliance now has a new program that was presented.
The single BC/BS HMO renewal rate was $503.36.
Health Alliance's single-rate, point-of-service equivalent HMO
program was $391. Both primary medical groups that serve Logan
County residents, Family Medical and Springfield Clinic, are
Two other plan options are available for employees to choose from
at their own added expense. These plans allow for higher deductibles
or outside network care providers.
The board unanimously -- with John Stewart absent -- approved
Health Alliance as the county employee insurance provider. The
insurance will cost $22,000 more this year.
