We hope you v isit the fair as frequently as possible, but there is
so much to our fair that we know it is impossible to take it all in.
This year LDN will have seven reporters covering the fair to help
bring you the information, results and pictures that will bring the
fair to you at your home or office.
Every day there will be picture albums as well as other fair
Plus we will archive all of our coverage in an exciting new
flipbook that will allow readers to visit or revisit their favorite
events and moments at the Logan County Fair.
Then at the end of the fair, all the information, results and
pictures will be available on a DVD that will be sold by the 4-H'ers
as a fundraiser so you can have this year's fair memories always on
hand. Advance reservations for this DVD are being taken at the
Extension and fair offices, as well as in the mornings at the LDN
office at 601 Keokuk St. DVDs are only $5 and must be paid for in
advance. Pickup will be in about two weeks.
We invite all of you to attend the Logan County Fair. It needs
your support. But when you can't, LDN will bring you the fair like
you have never seen it presented before.
[LDN] |