China also pledged to remove requirements that Washington says discriminate against U.S. firms competing to build large wind power plants. Beijing has invested heavily in nurturing its renewable energy sector, building wind farms and subsidizing electricity sold by wind power generators. It recently announced new subsidies for the solar power industry. The government wants at least 15 percent of China's power to come from renewable energy by 2020, viewing such commitments as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the country's dependence on costly imports of oil and gas. The WTO case was in response to a United Steelworkers petition last September that alleged Chinese companies can sell wind and solar equipment on international markets at cheaper prices than their competitors because they receive subsidies. The administration's WTO case alleges that those subsidies violate global trade rules. Such subsidies, said U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, are "particularly harmful and inherently trade distorting." The case will first trigger consultations between the two nations. If they fail to resolve the dispute, the WTO will convene a hearing panel. If the administration wins the case and China does not give up its subsidies, the United States would be authorized to impose penalty tariffs on Chinese products equal to the lost sales that U.S. energy companies are experiencing.
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