While each year's trivia round categories are held in an ironclad
lockbox until the day of the event, previous categories have
included "Guitar Hero," "Are You Smarter than a Fifth-Grader?,"
"Songs You'll Never Hear in Church," "Again, Dirty Politics," and
the ever-popular paper airplane throwing contest.Trivia teams
consist of five to eight players. All players will receive door
prizes, and there will be additional prizes for the top three teams.
The cost is $15 per player and includes pizza, snacks and soft
drinks. To register a team for the trivia night, send the names of
team members along with a check for $15 per person, made out to FCA
Lincoln Booster Club, to: Josh Merreighn, PO Box 735, Lincoln, IL
62656. If you have any questions, please call Josh at 671-9249.
[Text from file received] |
