Sunday night turned into a
soaking for thousands who came to the park district or high school
grounds to watch the annual Fourth of July fireworks. Caught in a field
300 yards from cover, Mike couldn't get any wetter, so he tried to
take as many pictures of the abbreviated display as possible. The
wind and saturating rain played tricks on the camera, as you can see.
Pictures by Mike Fak |

At first conventional pictures could be taken. |

Then came the winds, which made this display
look like fiery birds flying through the sky. |


This one looks like a woman holding a staff of

A barrage of anti-aircraft fire in this

Some alien life forms always pop up on a
rain-soaked lens.

Here it looks like an explosion lights up the
entire night.

Multicolored lawn chairs go flying through
the night sky.

Perhaps the question of why Mike stood in a
field in a pouring rain was asked when this shell formed a question
mark in the sky. |
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