Major indexes will try to extend gains for a third straight day. The Dow rose about 6 points after a 226-point surge a day earlier. However, markets have been erratic for more than a month and prone to big swings sometimes even within a single trading session. Worries about whether mounting debt problems in some European countries will upend an economic recovery and the spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have pushed stocks from their 2010 highs set in late April. The euro, which is used by 16 countries in Europe, inched higher Friday to $1.2162. However, it remains near its four-year low of $1.2112, which is set Tuesday. The euro has become an indicator for investors' confidence in Europe's economy. It has also consistently driven trading in Europe and the U.S. for the past month. Overseas, Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.8 percent, Germany's DAX index gained 0.9 percent, and France's CAC-40 rose 0.6 percent. Meanwhile, U.S. Treasury prices traded in a narrow range as investors wait for the jobs report. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, was unchanged at 3.37 percent compared with late Thursday.
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