St. John, Relay for Life, Lincoln Farmer's Market, Lincoln Area Summer
Band, Draw 4 winners
and Vonderlieth make Close Up
By Mike Fak

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15, 2010]
youth group of St. John United Church of Christ, Lincoln,
will hold a fundraiser at Culver's Restaurant in Lincoln on Tuesday,
June 15, from 5 to 8 p.m. The proceeds Culver's gives them from this
fundraiser will be used toward the expenses of hosting this year's
Veteran's Dinner-Dance-Celebration on Nov. 14 for all veterans of
Logan County. Veterans who have not received an invitation in the
past are asked to share their information with one of the youth or
their sponsors at the fundraiser.
Logan County Relay for Life for 2010 will take place starting
at 6 p.m. Friday, June 18, until 6 a.m. on Saturday, June 19. The
theme this year is games. The event will be at the Lincoln Community
High School track. Come out and join in the fun. There will be many
games at the individual team sites. There will be lots of food, a
live auction, silent auction... the list goes on and on. Survivor
dinner at 4:30, opening ceremony at 6 and luminaria ceremony at 9
p.m. There will be programs at the gate showing all the activities
and times. Whether or not you are on a team, the group would love to
have you come and join in the fun. All proceeds go to the American
Cancer Society in the fight against cancer.
Saturday, June 19, in addition to their regular, varied,
high-quality items, the Lincoln Farmer's Market will feature
the Postville Trio playing from 9 to 11 a.m., courtesy of Graue Inc.
The Lincoln Farmers' Market is located at 316 S. Kickapoo St. in
Scully Park. The market's hours are 7 a.m. to noon.
second concert by the Lincoln Area Summer Band will be on
Sunday, June 20, at 7 p.m. in Latham Park. Mrs. Laura Laughery will
be the featured soloist with the band. Bring your lawn chairs and
enjoy a summer evening of music. Ice cream and cake will be served
by the Lincoln Woman's Club.

June 12 Draw 4 Carroll winners are listed below:
$1,000 winner, Father Laible;
seller, Holy Family Church
$500 winner, Mike Jeisy;
seller, Erika Pellinghelli
$250 winner, Gina Johnson;
seller, Gina Johnson
$100 winner, Kate Haugen;
seller, Kate Haugen
The next Draw 4 Carroll drawing will take place on July 4 at 8
p.m. at the fireworks event at the Rec Center.
[to top of second
column] |

Living Center in Mount Pulaski is proud to welcome Rep. Bill
Mitchell this Thursday, June 17, at 2 p.m. Mitchell has graciously
consented to come and meet residents and staff at the campus.
Nursing homes in Illinois have suffered from the publicity
surrounding several unfortunate occurrences in the Chicago area. The
Vonderlieth family of staff and residents want to open their home to
Mitchell to underscore the quality care and homelike environment
available at so many of the long-term care facilities in Illinois.
Mitchell will also have a town hall meeting on
Wednesday, June 16, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. He will be
available to answer questions at that time. The public is invited to
both events.
Got a good piece of news, information or
something that we can all brag about? If you do, e-mail Mike and let
us tell everyone about it. Plus you can win cash. Every submission,
whether we use it or not, will get your name in the Close Up grab
bag. At the end of the month we will draw a name and someone will
get $25 just for dropping us an e-mail. If you wish, we will be
happy to donate your winnings to the organization of your choice.
You can contact Mike at