Earlier in Asia, speculation that Japan was mulling extra measures to shore up its recovery added to the upbeat mood. According to a media report, the Bank of Japan might ease monetary policies to keep money flowing through the economy as soon as this month. Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average jumped 223.24 points, or 2.2 percent, to 10,368.96. "Investors welcomed the (Bank of Japan) report," said Kazuhiro Takahashi, equity strategist at Daiwa SMBC Securities Co. Ltd. "Investors were speculating that further easing could help the yen weaken." A soft yen helps Japanese exporters by boosting the value of their repatriated profits and making their goods more competitively priced abroad. In greater China, Hong Kong's market rose 1 percent to 20,787.97 and Shanghai's market gained 0.3 percent to 3,031.06 as investors focused on Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's annual policy address. Wen promised strong growth this year, 8 percent, and said the government will combat inflation and risks to banks to maintain the economy's recovery. While the annual hike in spending increase would be halved, the government would ensure stimulus and easy credit continue because the basis of renewed global growth is still weak, he said.
Elsewhere, South Korea's Kospi was up 1 percent at 1,634.57. Markets in Taiwan and Singapore gained as well. Oil prices rose with benchmark crude for April delivery up 43 cents at $80.64.
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