He walked in, making the jingly on the door ring as he did so.
"Good morning, Marvin," Sarah said, brightly.
"And a fine morning it is, Sarah," Marvin said back.
"Help you find something today?"
"Actually, I stopped in to see if I couldn't do something for
you, Dear," he said, kindly. "I've noticed you're ... well, single,
I guess..."
"No secret about that, Marvin. But if you have a friend who is
really nice, I'm not interested."

"Oh, no. I wasn't going to fix you up. It's just that I thought
maybe you could use my fly tying love counseling to kind of help
your love life."
Sarah smiled at her friend. "What kind of fly do you think I'd
need, Marvin?"
"There's a lot to you that's just below the surface, so I'd be
guessing we could start with a nice wet fly ... but pretty. So maybe
a ... let's see ..."
He looked her over and held up his hands as if to frame her face.
"A Doctor Burke? No. Fergusun. Definitely a Fergusun. It has that
quiet elegance that we need to help you."
[to top of second

"You know I'm going to look it up, don't you, Marvin? And if a
Fergusun turns out to be plug ugly, I'm coming after you."
"No problem. It's beautiful."
"So why me?"
Marvin looked at his old friend and sighed. "Sarah, it's because
... well, I need a woman client, and you are a friend and you're
single, and I thought it would help."
She stared at him. He explained.
"Well, so far all I've had are men clients, you see. I guess
Randy's a boy, really, but you know. And everyone knows women are
really the ones who need fly tying. I thought you could be..."
"...the guinea pig."
Marvin smiled. "I thought of it more as the first pickle out of
the jar."
[Text from file received from Slim Randles]
Brought to you by "The Long Dark, An Alaska
Winter's Tale." Available at
www.slimrandles.com. |