If you do, Rebecca Van Nydeggen, director of The Salvation Army of
Logan County, wants to hear from you. You can share your story with
her this month as The Salvation Army celebrates 130 years of service
in the United States.The Salvation Army has been serving the
residents of Logan County for more than 100 years. Throughout the
year, eligible Logan County residents receive assistance with
utility shut-off prevention, food pantry, eviction prevention and
life-sustaining prescription medication costs, as well as casework
support and social service agency referrals. During the holiday
season, needy families receive assistance through community
sponsorship of the Adopt-a-Family outreach programs.
Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services is on standby at any
time to provide support to disaster victims with both immediate
emergency assistance and long-term recovery. The Salvation Army also
provides support to first responders, such as police, fire and
emergency medical personnel, during periods of sustained disaster or
other emergency operations.
You may submit your story by mail to: The Salvation Army, P.O.
Box 52, Lincoln, IL 62656; or by e-mail to:
[Text from file received]
