Transport Ministry official Kazumi Furukawa said the government has also conducted tests on the Prius in the Matsudo accident and found no braking problems. But the government is continuing an investigation for possible defects, including 13 other consumer complaints, and has not ruled out additional recalls, Furukawa said, while refusing to elaborate. As is customary with criminal cases in Japan, police sent documents from its investigation into the Prius accident to the prosecutors' office earlier this month. Japanese prosecutors do not comment on ongoing cases until charges are filed. Separately, Kentaro Kai, another ministry official, said Japan may start requiring all automakers to install a backup technology allowing brakes to override acceleration. The move underlines growing concern in Japan about Toyota's recalls, widely seen as a stain on the nation's manufacturing prowess. Toyota has said it will install brake override in all future models and retroactively on some models already on the roads. On Monday, California police stopped a runaway 2008 Prius after the driver said the gas pedal jammed. Toyota and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are investigating. The U.S. Department of Transportation is looking into a Prius crash Tuesday in New York in which the driver said the vehicle accelerated on its own and crashed into a wall.
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