Further weighing on investor sentiment Monday was an unexpected decision by India's central bank to raise interest rates. The Reserve Bank of India hiked key lending rates late Friday by a quarter-percentage point in an attempt to cool high inflation amid a faster-than-expected economic rebound. The move unnerved investors concerned growth and asset prices could sink once governments start winding down their stimulus measures. Stocks in Asia suffered, with Hong Kong's Hang Seng plunging 437.57 points, or 2.1 percent, to 20,933.25 and South Korea's main benchmark closing down 13.44 points, or 0.8 percent, to 1,672.67. Japanese markets were closed for a national holiday. Australia's market fell 0.9 percent and India's Sensex dropped 0.7 percent. Shanghai's benchmark added 0.2 percent in back-and-forth trade. Oil prices fell back below $80 a barrel, with benchmark crude for April down 86 cents at $79.82 a barrel. The dollar was mostly flat at 90.54 yen from 90.53 yen.
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