The quality rating is a voluntary process and recognizes a program's
effort in going beyond the minimum state licensing requirements when
caring for children.The quality certification is a detailed
process and takes many months of preparation by the director,
teachers and board. Independent evaluators, using a set of
nationally recognized standards, observed in classrooms. They
evaluated how the teachers work with the children, how rooms are set
up and what learning materials are available. The director, Coleen
Moore, was also evaluated on administrative and business practices.
This is the first of many goals for Christian Child Care. This
summer the program is applying for accreditation. Again evaluators
will come and observe the program and administration practices to
see if the center meets the accreditation standards of the National
Accreditation Commission.
To meet these standards, Christian Child Care needs to update
some equipment and is having a pork chop fundraiser to help meet
those goals. The fundraiser will be on April 22 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
at Christian Child Care, 721 Wyatt Ave. in Lincoln. Tickets are $8
per meal. Take the curve to the back of the center and the dinner
will be delivered to your car.
The fundraiser goal is to sell 500 tickets. If you would like
tickets or information on the child care center, contact Moore at
[Text from file received]