In the center of the park, a new jungle gym was
erected. |

Around the park, everyone was pitching in and
working to get things done. |


About eight to 10 people were working on the
jungle gym, some holding pieces in place while others took wrenches
to bolts securing the structure.

At the other end of the park, another
volunteer was working to build a horseshoe toss, for the more
"grown-up" patrons of the park. |

Here, Justin Trago and Rob McBrien work to make new
contoured planks for the teeter-totters, while another group behind
them works on placing all-new boards on the existing picnic

Genia Lock (purple T-shirt) watches as workers
place the memorial stone in its proper place.

The existing swing and slide set has a new
coat of paint, as does the set of monkey bars right behind it.

As she watches the park turn into something the
town can be very proud of, Jodi Duncan (center), who first thought of
doing the renovation, back in January, can't help but shed a tear of
joy. "This is about healing," she said. |
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