With the appointment confirmed, there were 10 aldermen present for
the voting session.
Lawnmower Run is a go
Alderman Jeff Hoinacki made a motion to approve the Lawnmower Run
scheduled for May 15 to benefit the Logan County Food Pantry.
The group will be required to provide evidence of liability
coverage for property and personal injury, naming the city of
Lincoln as an additional insured. The coverage shall be for a
minimum of $1,000,000.
They will be responsible for putting the barricades in place to
close one city block at a time along their route.

On May 15 the run will commence at the Logan County Food Pantry.
Should they have to use their rain date of May 22, the beginning
point will be the back parking lot of the Lincoln IGA.
The motion carried 10-0.
Vienna Perdue, who is the organizer of the event, was in chambers
for the vote. She said she wanted to thank everyone who helped her
get the motion approved.
City has a working budget
Alderwoman Melody Anderson made a motion to approve the 2010-11
budget with changes to the sewer and drainage department.
During discussion it was not stated what the exact changes were.
Alderman Buzz Busby said that in all the years he's been on the
council, this year's budget was the toughest one he's gone through.
He added that he wasn't happy about voting in favor of this budget
but that he would. He said he didn't believe a balanced budget
should be passed on borrowed money.
Snyder said he would update the public on discussions with the
various unions.
There is an agreement in principle with the firefighters,
approving the establishment of 64 hours of furlough time per
employee over the next 12 months. For ease of accounting, each
firefighter will take a cut in pay of approximately $85 each month.
They will then use their furlough hours as they see fit and as
scheduling will allow.

Snyder said that the Fraternal Organization of Police had
requested some financial documents from the city for their own
review. He said they have indicated that once those are received and
reviewed, they will set up a meeting with the mayor.
Snyder also reported that he has been trying to set something up
with the representative of the union for the street and alley
department, but has been playing telephone tag with that person, and
as of Monday night had not been able to set up a meeting.
At the end of last week's meeting, the total budget figure,
consisting of designated funds as well as the general operating
fund, totaled $14,897,664. Anderson said the total number has
now changed to $15,152,664.
Alderwoman Marty Neitzel said she wanted to once again tell the
public that the problem the city is having is not due to
overspending. Currently the state of Illinois is behind on their
payments to the city, which put a crunch on the end of the 2009-10
fiscal year.
In the new fiscal year the city has to plan their spending with
the possibility of a large cut in revenues, based on Gov. Pat Quinn's
current state budget cuts.
While the state has not passed a budget, the city has to act as
though those state cuts are a reality.
Snyder said he wanted to give a great deal of thanks to Anderson,
Busby and Les Plotner, city treasurer. He said they had worked hour
upon hour upon hour, and they had done some good work.
When the motion came to a vote, it was passed 9-0-1, with newly
appointed Alderman Tom O'Donohue abstaining.
City will sell land to the state; COD please
The Illinois Department of Transportation has proposed to pay the
city of Lincoln $3,000 for 0.858 acres on the west edge of the city
landfill. The state needs this property as part of the process for
upgrading the Salt Creek bridge.
[to top of second column] |

After the resolution to sell the property was read, Anderson said
she was assuming this would not take effect until the city had the
money in hand.
Bates said that typically the state would want the
deed, then issue the check, but he could certainly tell the state
that they don't get the deed until the city gets the money, if that
is how the council wants to direct him.
Therefore the motion was made to approve the sale of
the property but to not turn over the deed until the state has
delivered the money.
The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Logan County Animal Control agreement renewed
Alderman David Wilmert made a motion to approve the annual
renewal of an agreement with Logan County Animal Control.
The contract amount for the 2010-11 year totals $37,800.79, an
increase of 2.5 percent over last year.
The motion carried by a vote of 7-2-1, with Armbrust and Busby
voting no and O'Donohue abstaining.

City approves hiring one new firefighter
Alderwoman Kathy Horn made a motion to permit the hiring of one
new firefighter to replace Ken Ebelherr, who is retiring from the
Lincoln Fire Department effective May 4.
During discussion, Busby asked if it was absolutely necessary to
hire a replacement, noting the financial strain the city is under.
Wilmert said that not hiring the replacement would mean added
overtime for the current staff.
Snyder said the furlough agreement the city is entering into with
the fire department was done with the understanding that the
department would be able to replace this person.
Horn said the money was in the budget to replace Ebelherr.
When the motion came to a vote, it passed 8-1-1, with Busby voting
no and O'Donohue abstaining.
After the vote Hulett said that he wanted to publicly thank
Ebelherr for his years of service to the city. He noted that
Ebelherr served as the chief of the fire department under Mayor Joan
Ritter, and that he has offered invaluable help and information to
Ladd reports on tourism
Geoff Ladd of the Abraham Lincoln Tourism Bureau of Logan County updated the council on activities at the bureau.
He said that new visitor guides are printed and ready to be
distributed throughout the state.
He thanked the city for the use of Postville Park for the Route
66 Garage Sale and said planning for the event was well under way.
He reported that several vendors have signed up and the bureau
estimates approximately 20,000 people will visit Lincoln and Logan
County that weekend. The event is slated for June 11 and 12.
Special announcements
Thursday will be the National Day of Prayer. There will be a
special service in the rotunda of the Logan County Courthouse at
Saturday is National Train Day. Main Street Lincoln is planning a
special all-day event at the Amtrak station at Broadway and Chicago
Alderman Busby called for a 6:30 meeting of the sewer committee
on May 11.
