At the end of the morning, all
the Scouts met at Latham Park for lunch. Last year the group was
excited to find a $50 bill lying on the street. According to
Schafer, there were no such finds this year. However, some of the
boys were very excited when they found a car fender. More than
likely it was "planted" for their pleasure, and they were indeed
excited to have such a huge find.
Pictures by Nila Smith |

spite of walking all over town picking up trash, the kids still had
plenty of energy to play in Latham Park. |

the kids play, a food table is set up by the adults. |


Everyone starts to line up for lunch.

The last group arrives just in time to eat. |

Subway sandwiches, Little Caesar Crazy Bread
and ice-cold drinks are just a few of the offerings donated by local

As the kids surround the table, they make
quick work of gathering their lunch, leaving behind empty trays and

Best friends cop a squat on a park bench to

In typical Scout fashion, one young man gives
his buddy a hand up as the two prepare to eat their lunch together. |
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