Friday, May 21, 2010
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Richard Longworth to speak today at Lincoln College

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[May 21, 2010]  The Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership is hosting a luncheon at noon today (Friday) in the Alumni Room at Lincoln College to feature nationally known author Richard Longworth, who wrote "Caught in the Middle." The book focuses on the economic and social dynamics of the Midwest, its relationships to the global economy, and what we can do to change it.

InsuranceLongworth is part of the Vandewalle & Associates consulting firm team who were hired through a USDA grant to write the first economic development master plan for Logan County.

The Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership submitted a $50,000 Rural Development Business Opportunity Grant to the United States Department of Agriculture in May for the purpose of creating an economic development master plan. In November, it was announced that Logan County was one of two communities in the state of Illinois to receive full funding.

The economic development master plan will analyze Logan County's comprehensive plan along with growth areas and provide a road map for economic development growth for the entire county, including business recruitment and the incentives needed to attract these businesses. By identifying the types of companies best suited for the area, the partnership can target their marketing efforts.

This plan will look at not only the city of Lincoln, but the agriculture areas and smaller outlying communities. The goal is to have the plan competed by September. This will be Logan County's first economic development master plan.

The luncheon event is close to the full capacity.

The Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership is the economic development agency for Logan County, serving businesses, government and residents of Logan County. The partnership's mission is to enhance the economic prosperity and quality of life in Logan County.

[Text from file received from Lincoln & Logan County Development Partnership]



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