This year the children's trick-or-treat parade took them
from Latham Park to McLean Street,
Kickapoo Street, Broadway, then on to Sangamon Street and Pulaski,
then back to Kickapoo, back to Broadway, and it ended at City Hall,
where Greenslate and Snyder set out boxes of candy and invited the
kids to dive in.
After the melee, Snyder, assisted by Rohlfs, drew out the name of one
lucky child, who received a gift certificate from Abe's Carmelcorn.
The winner was Jett Winebrinner of Lincoln. Jett was accompanied
along the route by his father, Brent.
Pictures by Nila Smith |

Back on Broadway Street, the first stop was at
Styx, where Carissa Skaggs had lots of treats for the would-be
trickers. |

Dressed to the nines, sophisticated lady
Tonya Tarter passed out treats in her mother's store, Mary Todd's
Hallmark. |


Brittany Colby and her dad, Dean, passed out
candy at MKS Jewelers.

And at Mission Mart, Carla Mattingly got to do
the honors as the last merchant stop for the parade. |

Being a man of law and order, Greenslate tried
to organize the mob at City Hall….

...but he soon learned that sometimes it's better to
just let it go!

It was a pretty long walk for some, but with
baskets full of candy, everyone is happy, and soon they'll be headed
home to enjoy the fruits of their labors. |

Rohlfs helps the mayor… chief... mayor?? Oh, you
know, THAT guy, draw out the name of the winner of a gift
certificate to Abe's Carmelcorn. |
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