Erin Ruebbelke, policy adviser for the attorney general, will
discuss the ins and outs of reverse mortgages, the new rules for
credit cards, and how to avoid counterfeit check scams. Seniors will
come away with the information needed to protect themselves and
others from scams, frauds and other deceptive business practices.
The attorney general's Every Cent Counts guide for seniors will be
available at the event.
Refreshments will be served.
Logan County Triad is committed to educating older adults of
Logan County on how to prevent being the victims of frauds and
scams, and to alleviate the fear they may feel of being victimized.
It is comprised of local social service agencies, law enforcement
and senior volunteers.
For more information on the Silver Beat training, contact Erin
Ruebbelke at 217-557-1982. For more information on the Logan County
Triad, contact Sarah Powell at 217-528-4035.
[Text from file received]
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