Tuesday, November 09, 2010
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Veterans Day service at Lincoln VFW

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[November 09, 2010]  A Veterans Day service will be held in Lincoln on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars home on Fifth Street.

The invocation and benediction will be given by Ron Otto from Lincoln Christian Church.

The speaker for the program will be the VFW state commander, William "Bill" Wolff, from Bloomingdale. Students from Zion Lutheran School in Lincoln will participate in the service.

There will be a wreath-laying by the auxiliary's presidents. The honor guard and firing squad will salute all veterans, with taps following.

Ham and beans will be served at the VFW, 915 Fifth St., following the ceremonies.

The public is encouraged to turn out for the ceremonies and let our veterans know that we care about the freedom that veterans past and present have helped to preserve.

Remember that freedom is not free.

[Text from file received]

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