Lawn rust, peony and raspberry care
By John
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[October 06, 2010]
Rust in lawns -- This past week,
rust has paid us a return visit. As grass growth slows, rust is one
of the lawn fungi we are dealing with. Rust appears as an orange or
yellowish-orange powder (spores) on grass leaf blades, especially in
late summer to early fall when the weather is dry. Rust typically
develops on lawns growing very slowly. Overall, the turf may assume
a yellow, red or brown appearance. Close examination will reveal the
pustules, which easily rub off on your hand. Rust spores can easily
be tracked into homes.
Low fertility -- in particular, nitrogen -- and low water
availability slow down turf growth, allowing rust to develop.
Seasons with excess rain may have rust outbreaks due to loss of
available nitrogen. Cool nights with heavy dew and light,
frequent rainfall add to the ideal conditions for rust to
develop. Warm, cloudy, humid weather followed by hot, sunny
weather also favors rust development on lawns. Kentucky
bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue are all affected,
depending on cultivars. Rust spreads through air, water, shoes,
equipment and sod. Rust may weaken turfgrasses and make them
more susceptible to other problems.

Control rust through sound turf management. Begin by choosing
a quality blend of turfgrass seed. Resistance to rust can vary
according to the race of the disease present. Maintain lawns
through sound watering, mowing and fertilizing. If you are
watering, water early in the day so the grass dries quickly.
Manage problem thatch. Increase vigor with an early fall
nitrogen application, but don't overdo it. Check soil phosphorus
and potassium levels through soil testing. Also assure good
airflow and light penetration over the site by pruning trees and
shrubs in the area near the lawn.
A change in the weather will make rust fade away.
Early September is a key time for fertilization. If you
missed the early September timing, you can do a fertilizer
application now. Use something with an even analysis or a
winterizer. If conditions are dry, irrigation is also needed to
increase the growth rate of the lawn. Fungicides are rarely
suggested on home lawns for rust control. Focus on the listed
cultural practices described above.
[to top of second column]

 Fall care of peonies
Peonies are one of those "plant it and forget it" flowers. Many
haven’t been bothered for over 50 years and are still going strong.
As with most plants, crowding can occur, and the time to dig and
divide is late September through October. Peonies do best in soils
with a slightly acid to neutral pH. The best time to add lime, if
needed, is when you dig the plants and replant them. Amend the soil
when planting.
When dividing, make sure you leave buds on each piece you plan to
plant. To allow for proper flowering, these buds should be no deeper
than an inch when replanted. Mulching will help yearlong on any
plant and peonies are no exception.

Pruning raspberries
To start with, remove all the dead, short and weak canes on
raspberry plants. Thin the large remaining canes to 4 to 8 inches
apart. Cut back the canes to 5-6 feet tall or, if no support is
provided, 3-4 feet tall.
The canes that produced last year should be removed anytime after
harvest or removed in the late fall. Canes are productive only one
year, and the new growth will produce the next year's harvest.
The exception is the Heritage, or ever-bearing, raspberry, which
produces two crops of berries, one in the fall and the second in
late spring or early summer. These berries should have the canes
removed after the late spring or early summer crop.
University of Illinois Extension, Logan County] |