He had somehow gotten the word that, for the sake of fresh air and
happy breathing, it would be best if he did his morning
philosophizing and caffeining before heading out to the feedlot to
load the truck with, um, soil amenities."New truck, Dewey?" Doc
said, looking out the window.
"New to me, anyway, Doc. You like the sign I had painted on it?"
It said, "Environmental Enrichment Services." With a phone
number. It replaced the original "Dewey the Fertilizer King."
"You know, I like it," said Doc. "Comes right to the point."

"I disagree," said our resident cowboy, Steve. "If it came to the
point, it would say something like, 'We shovel...'"
The laughter somehow covered up the last of that suggestion.
"My girlfriend came up with the name," Dewey said. "You don't
think it's too high-falutin'?"
"Why no, not at all," Herb said. "After all, you are performing
double services here, by moving it from the feedlot to the family
garden. In a very real way you are enriching the environment."
[to top of second
column] |

And enriching Dewey too. It was Doc who had originally suggested
that Dewey Decker, our local accident-prone disaster zone, find some
line of work that didn't involve sharp objects or products that were
worth more than nothing at all, and that would serve some kind of
purpose. Dewey began his new career with a shovel, and he now had
expanded it to include a fairly new pickup and a rake.
"Your new name needs a slogan, though," Steve said, looking at
the door of Dewey's truck. "How about 'From cow to cabbage'?"
"I've got it," said Doc. "From bull to begonia."
"I've got it, boys!" Dewey said. "How about 'From offal to
It got awfully quiet. Dewey offered to spell it out for us.
"Not necessary," said Steve. "We already know how to spell
[Text from file received from Slim Randles]
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