Looking ahead to the Nov. 2 elections, the poll showed that public expectations favor the GOP. By 60 percent to 31 percent, more expect Republicans to win control of Congress
-- including four in 10 Democrats. Overall, 40 percent said the country is heading in the right direction, slightly better than last month but below the 48 percent who said so in the early months of Obama's presidency. Forty-nine percent approve of Obama's performance as president, a near-even split that has prevailed since early this year. Asked their feelings about politics, the top emotions were frustration and disappointment, expressed by eight in 10. Twenty-six percent of Democrats said they are excited about politics, compared with 80 percent of Democrats who said so in a November 2008 AP-GfK Poll just after Obama's election. More than one in four expressed support for the conservative tea party movement, which has helped litter the electoral landscape with defeated incumbents in several states. While significant minorities of tea party supporters are critical of the GOP, the poll found they are far likelier to vote in November than other people; 85 percent plan to support their House Republican candidate. In the wake of Obama's cutting U.S. troop strength in Iraq to 50,000, public approval of his performance there has soared to 60 percent. Six in 10 oppose the war in Afghanistan, and only about one in five expected the situation there to improve over the next year. Obama is also winning increased public approval for health care, the environment and terrorism
-- but is mired at 42 percent approval for his work on the economy. The AP-GfK Poll was conducted Sept. 8-13 and involved landline and cell phone interviews with 1,000 randomly chosen adults. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points for adults and 5.7 percentage points for likely voters.
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