"In the coming days, the price could drop further towards $100 a barrel," he said, referring to Brent crude. Fears of an economic slowdown in the U.S. and Europe have weighed heavily on energy prices in recent weeks and are expected to remain key to market sentiment in the longer term, although the Libyan developments dominated trading on Monday. Eni evacuated all of its personnel in Libya in March, but has said no damage has been reported to the plants and pipelines and that it would be technically able to resume output at levels close to pre-crisis flows once the situation had returned to normal. The head of Eni's exploration and production unit, Claudio Descalzi, told a conference call last month that it would take two to three months to restart natural gas production and a year to reactivate oil production. Eni produced 273,000 barrels of oil and natural gas in 2010 in Libya, about 15 percent of the company's worldwide production. Shares in the company were up 5 percent to euro13.10. Repsol, another big producer in Libya, was not reachable for comment. In other Nymex trading for October contracts, heating oil fell 3 cents to $2.87 per gallon and gasoline futures dropped 5 cents to $2.79 per gallon. Natural gas for September delivery sank 5 cents to $3.89 per 1,000 cubic feet.
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