Madonna settles NYC neighbor's suit over noise

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[December 01, 2011]  NEW YORK (AP) -- Madonna has made peace with a neighbor who said the superstar made a racket by using her New York City apartment as a rehearsal studio.

Court records show Karen George's lawsuit against the singer and building was settled as of Wednesday. Lawyers for Madonna and the building's co-op board are saying only that the matter is resolved. George's attorney hasn't immediately returned a call.

George said Madonna's dance and exercise routines subjected neighbors to "blaring music, stomping and shaking walls" for up to three hours daily. Madonna took steps to dampen the sound in 2009, but George said they didn't work.

Madonna and the board said the noise never topped legal levels. The singer said in March she'd built a studio elsewhere and wasn't using the apartment for music anymore.

[Associated Press; By JENNIFER PELTZ]

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