The statewide average precipitation amount for the month was 5.23
inches, 1.9 inches above average. Several sites in southern Illinois
had over 9 inches of rain, including Cairo with 9.92 inches.
The statewide average temperature was 45.3 degrees, 3.6 degrees
above average. The warmest temperature reported in November was 80
degrees at Winchester on Nov. 2. The coldest temperature reported
was 16 degrees on Nov. 30 at Altona, Mount Carroll and Monmouth.
The snowiest spot in the state was in far southern Illinois. A
total of 2.5 inches of snow fell by the morning of Nov. 30 at Grand
Chain Dam on the Ohio River. A few sites in northern Illinois
reported an inch or less of snow.
"The normal snowfall for November typically ranges from 1 to 2
inches in northern Illinois to no snowfall in southern Illinois --
the near opposite of this year," said Angel. "That's why the weather
in Illinois is so interesting."
The Illinois State Water Survey at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, a division of the Prairie Research Institute, is
the primary agency in Illinois concerned with water and atmospheric
[Text from file received from
the Illinois
State Water Survey] |