Review: 'Two Worlds II' is a diamond in the rough

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[February 09, 2011]  (AP) -- It's a big year for fans of heroic fantasy. Peter Jackson is finally starting production on "The Hobbit." George R.R. Martin's beloved "A Game of Thrones" is coming to HBO. And two of video-gaming's most popular epics are returning with fresh chapters: BioWare's "Dragon Age II" and Bethesda Softworks' "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."

Such fantasy worlds can be addictively immersive to those of us who grew up on J.R.R. Tolkien and "Dungeons & Dragons." And since I'll be going into seclusion when "Dragon Age II" comes out next month, I've been avoiding anything that smells of medieval swords and sorcery.

But then the folks on my Twitter feed started chattering about "Two Worlds II" (SouthPeak, for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, $59.99). And despite my reservations -- mainly caused by awful memories of the original "Two Worlds," from 2007 -- I sought it out. And I'm hooked.

Polish studio Reality Pump has learned a few lessons since its initial fiasco. Combat is crisper, the threads of the story are easier to follow and the massive game world is more fun to explore. (If you're the kind of reader who pored over the maps in "The Lord of the Rings," you'll love this.) Graphical glitches pop up only occasionally, and while human characters are still as ugly as sin, "Two Worlds II" does present convincing monsters and some genuinely beautiful landscapes.

The primary story line is nothing special. An evil wizard has conquered the land of Antaloor; your mission is to overthrow him and, in the process, release your sister from his control. Exploring dungeons, fighting monsters, discovering increasingly powerful weapons and magic -- if you've ever beaten a role-playing game, you know the drill.

Less predictable are the dozens of optional missions you'll discover around Antaloor. Some, like a mystery surrounding an elusive criminal mastermind, are serious. Some, like an investigation into reports of man-eating umbrellas, are goofy. One minute you're battling giant scorpions, the next you're mixing horse laxative.

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Mercifully, the dialogue avoids the cornball olde English that typically bogs down such adventures; indeed, you're expected to taunt one character who spouts Renaissance fair babble. Some may find anachronisms like "You gotta be kidding" jarring, but they're a sign that "Two Worlds II" doesn't take itself too seriously.

Character customization isn't as comprehensive as it is in a BioWare or Bethesda RPG. For example, you have to play as a man -- who, weirdly enough, seems to be channeling Christian Bale's Batman voice. But you do have nearly endless ways to create and modify armor, weapons, potions and spells. It's easy to spend hours just trying to find the perfect mix.

"Two Worlds II" is pretty rough around the edges, and has one of the steepest learning curves I've met in a while. But after a bumpy start it becomes as absorbing as its big-budget competitors on the RPG shelf, delivering dozens of hours of sword-swinging, spell-casting fun. Two-and-a-half stars out of four.



[Associated Press]

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